Gateway 17

Alibaba’s Gateway 17 Opens New Doors To Chinese Market

Alibaba's Gateway 17 attracted more than 3,000 businesses, entrepreneurs and media from 48 states, and many from the Detroit region. Glad to hear remarks and vision shared by those giant businesses around the world, also very glad to know many small business founders around united states

Gateway 17

Take photo with virtual Jack Ma

Though it's not real to physicially take photo with Jack Ma, it still be very fun to have such virtual photo taken with him. New techs are making big man more "accessible".

Apple WWDC 2017

Very informative sessions in a week

Several session tracks run simultaneously from Tuesday through Friday. The presentations cover programming, design, and other topics and range from introductory to advanced. Almost all regularly scheduled presentations are delivered by Apple employees. Very informative and educational.

The 8th UCAHP Intelligent System Summit & TEEC Cup Startup Contest

Informative Intelligent system summit

Topics include the newest developments in AI theory, algorithms and applications, as well as the trend of future AI applications from the perspective of processors, autonomous driving, robotics and manufacturing, Neural Networks and other machine learning technologies, machine learning/computer vision and profit boost. Glad to learn experience from venture capitals from silicon velley.

The 8th UCAHP Intelligent System Summit & TEEC Cup Startup Contest

Won group second prize in TEEC Cup Startup Contest

Live onstage Pitch among 20 startup finalists, which was selected from 500 applicants. Great honor to won the prize and proof test our idea.